Park Lane Practice

Sick/Fit Notes

First 7 days of illness

You only need a doctor’s note if you are unable to work and are ill for longer than 7 calendar days. Your employer will provide you with an SC2 self-certificate form for shorter periods of illness.  A manual form is available here to print, complete and hand in.

If you are self-isolating and cannot work because of coronavirus (COVID-19) you can get an ‘isolation note’ online from NHS 111. You do not have to contact the GP or a hospital.

After 7 days

For more information on requesting a sick/fit note please visit the Gov.UK website

Once you have been off longer than 7 calendar days you can obtain a sick/fit note from your Doctor.  To request a sick/fit note click here.  If you haven’t seen your Doctor about this illness the Doctor may call you or arrange an appointment.

Additional/Extension Sick/Fit Notes

If you already have a sick/fit note for your illness the Doctor may not need to speak to you before issuing an additional sick/fit note.  To request an additional sick/fit note click here.

It is possible to back date a sick/fit note so you don’t need to be seen urgently or on the date it expires.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 3rd February, 2022