Park Lane Practice

Online Forms

Friends and Family Test

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether their patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed....

Join Our Virtual Patient Participation Group (VPPG)

Want to have your say on our services? Why not join our VPPG (Virtual Patient Participation Group). We will contact you by email and keep you updated on what’s happening. It...

Patient Survey

Have your say to improve your healthcare. Please help us to ensure that we provide you with the best possible service, by completing this questionnaire We welcome your feedback.

Requesting a Doctor's Sick/Fit Note For More Than 7 Days

Please use this form to request a sick/fit note once you have been off for more than 7 calendar days.  If you already have a sick/fit note but require an...

Requesting an additional/extension Doctor's Sick/Fit Note

Please use this form to request an additional/extension Doctor’s Sick/Fit note.

Smoking Status

To help us update your patient records with your smoking status, please take a couple of minutes to fill in our smoking questionnaire. Please complete the questionnaire whether you smoke,...

Tell us if you are a carer

Are you looking after or providing support for a relative friend or neighbour? Are you being helped or supported by a relative friend or neighbour? Your GP needs to know...

Date published: 5th September, 2019
Date last updated: 5th September, 2019