Park Lane Practice

What happens to your Information

As your GP practice we hold your healthcare record, both in hardcopy and electronically. It is our responsibility to ensure that the data within it is accurate and up to date. We protect your health record and only allow access to those who need to see to do their job.
Please click on this link to see the Privacy Notice which describes how we use and protect your data.

The practice has nominated a Data Protection Officer to oversee how your data is processed, store and shared.

As our Privacy Notice describes there are many reasons why we may need to share your data. The most important of them is to provide care. If we need to refer you to another service, such as a hospital consultant, or the community nursing service, they need information on your condition to treat you appropriately.

If you access healthcare directly outside the practice such as in Accident and Emergency or at an Urgent Care Service, they can provide safer, more appropriate care if they are aware of your medical conditions and any medication that you are taking. They can get this information through the Summary Care Record which extracts bits from your medical record. This link explains what a Summary Care Record is.
Your data is also used to invite you to take part in screening programmes for the early detection of illness.

The practice uses TPP Clinical System to hold you electronic healthcare record. This system is used by many different services and with your consent they would be able to access your healthcare record. Please use this link to understand how you can manage your data within the system.

Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you can request copies of part or all of your healthcare record, by completing a Subject Access Request Form.

Date published: 10th October, 2014
Date last updated: 26th June, 2020